Our quality of life and overall health depend on how we connect to our experience in our body and mind in the here and now.
Chronic and traumatic stress in our nervous system keeps us disconnected from our body, our sense of self, and the environment around us. It is in the process of restoring these connections that we begin to understand and simplify what it means to just be.

If your pursuit of health and healing has already included ice baths, headstands, fasting, and psychedelic exploration, what's the harm in just a little phone call?
"It is not just about what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness"
- Peter Levine
​My Personal experience has led me to this practice. After years of struggling to get to the bottom of my declining mental and physical health, I discovered the importance of healing the nervous system and the process of finding true regulation. It was in the process of my own healing that I finally got all of my questions answered, restoring my quality of life just as I was losing all hope. I trust that your struggle is real, and I know that it is possible to find sustainable relief.
Our nervous system governs all the other systems in our body. Chronic survival stress keeps our nervous system in dysregulation, eventually leading to symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, gut disorders, and more. I have compiled my education into what I believe is the most effective approach to strengthening our nervous system resilience, healing unprocessed pain, and finding relief from significant physical and emotional distress.